Just some little bit add on on the cafe there. Actually there's still got continuous programme after that cut cake things la. because of his N73 and N93 <= (damn rich, must stated out he got these 2 phones...) both also drained of battery.. So, my back up phone can at least 小兵立大功 la, haha... Just add on little bit of photo and description la, don't want to say more liao, as he already talk talk talk and talk of it.... lol..
She's taking it with the N73, yes, N73, not N93.


After (0)

After (1)

After (2)
Just see how happy he was before and after....

for his phone... We had no idea wat the hell he's doing.. Heard is he want to catch this and made the wall papar...WTF

for his phone... We had no idea wat the hell he's doing.. Heard is he want to catch this and made the wall papar...WTF
Then after we ate all the cake, (JT contribute the most coz he ate 1/4 of the cake... lol, we all full like hell.) This sou xing gong then ask why why why. He's so much of question. And pretend don't know don't know... The truth is what i donno la, we all just got conclution that, he's actually know it... say what surprise la.. kakaka....
After that, we go for next programme, bowling lo, the previous post said liao ma, then when i go to my friend's car, i see this..
After that, we go for next programme, bowling lo, the previous post said liao ma, then when i go to my friend's car, i see this..
Huh? what's this???

Oh no, you see this!!? Yeah, it's put on the wiper side there! lol, how creative. And it even can move when u switch on the wiper, it just turn!!! hahaha..
Bowling ball, yeah!
Ooo.. how this could happened? it's my friends greatest creation... because of this our average point and lower than we thought...

Before leave, i found out 2 freaks there, seems like just come here from Tong Shan, China.... lol

Oh no, you see this!!? Yeah, it's put on the wiper side there! lol, how creative. And it even can move when u switch on the wiper, it just turn!!! hahaha..

Everybody cuci long kang skill....
haha...from the video i watched, almost all is cuci longkang wo...don be no hpy..its a good practise...
haha, it was fun though we sucked at it... and chee was so 'surprised' when he knew about the cake, wahahahaha....
yeah, that's where i stated... all CUCI LONGKANG ma, the LONGKANG CLEANER...... lol
yeah.. he was really "SUPRISE!!!!" sort of..
i really dunno de lah! i was really damn surprise de neh!
wei! y din put inside urself!!!??? ask me hold the cam for u ma!!!
hajime "Seems" really noe how to ply de oh, seemss..
haa, nv tot tat still got so many plentty of memories here!!!haa...damn nice shot man!!! even my gf oso said tat u r a good spycam man!haa...she is so hapi c tat she oso got in the photo
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