Special present from my uncle, a hennessy. See its packaging? Never see before right? haha, my uncle said it's more than 30 years old liao, donno where he get it one. The taste damn smooth.. walau... donno is old days taste or keep that long time liao so taste different...
Yeah, the drink... now i still remember it taste.... smooooooth...

The seafood combo, not bad, just not really like the fish, like ikan bakar...
Then, this is the dishes we share, cham cham la, got steak, chop, seafood...

The seafood combo, not bad, just not really like the fish, like ikan bakar...
This is the T-bone steak... Really really not bad...

After the meal, and see there's something i always want to try was appear in the menu... it's... The Irish Coffee!! Wah, that's the one i always want to taste after i read a novel, that should be famous among all.
To be honest, it taste really really good one the start, going in start taste with the smooth milk on the top, then the 2nd layer will be the coffee then the last is the whisky... man.. it taste real good. i never try others places, this one should be fine i think, maybe there are other place better... But when u nearly finish it, because of the upper layer of the milk is almost finish, left is the strange flavour of coffee and the alcohol only... feel too bitter without the milk...

After the meal, and see there's something i always want to try was appear in the menu... it's... The Irish Coffee!! Wah, that's the one i always want to taste after i read a novel, that should be famous among all.
To be honest, it taste really really good one the start, going in start taste with the smooth milk on the top, then the 2nd layer will be the coffee then the last is the whisky... man.. it taste real good. i never try others places, this one should be fine i think, maybe there are other place better... But when u nearly finish it, because of the upper layer of the milk is almost finish, left is the strange flavour of coffee and the alcohol only... feel too bitter without the milk...
As a result, this place really not bad, but of coz, can't always go here la, haha... maybe special time or got anything want to celebrate can go here la, although is in Sban, but now a days, the seremban life style is going higher and higher, even more expensive than some places in KL...
Always hear you say Pokgai...but always see your high expenses entertainment posting...damn...
yeah, there's where my money gone... that's why pok gai wat.. haha.. if not i will not always say pok gai pok gai la..
some more that is my father birthday wat... must gao gao one.. it's time for him to 'xiang sou' la... of coz not just me spent la..
whoa...Irish coffee..i miss the things so much!!!
where got place to dim? i wanna go nex time...
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