haa...Itz ur b'day, hoo la la, itz ur b'day, itz b.b.Lit's b'day~~
a small cele for him...
a small cele for him...

c his face so lan c showing his cake...haa...

alrite, faster "check it(cut cake)", so tat can faster check wat present he've got, wat?!not a DSLR?! juz a small can...

haa..trying to make a dim 1st, eh~~nothing comin' out?haa..actually juz a can of "shirt", special gift for a special person~~(actually is weird gift for a weird person,haa..)

actually got 4 of us who cele w him, not like this, all like juz act by himself,自导自演,haa...juz the time too rush, v gotta rush cele w him b4 12am, as he'z cele w his fren the nite b4 at Pub, so, the result is like this lo, 速战速决,no body else caught by cam, haa...
祝你年年有今日,岁岁bo zao zui, haa...
happy b'day again, hop can cele ur b'day w u, av year
Oh well...i think this is gonna be the official farewell lastly...haha...
wat the hell.. why i'm not invited? damn..
huh?haa...where are u oh~~u r at PJ eh, when u rush here, mosquito oso fall sleep lo
really juz a little cele w him, after tat went for yam cha oni, haa...
nex one la, wait till nex ppl, oni all together meet, haa... whoz gotta b nex!!
Perhaps we could make one more time "really-official-farewell" for BBLit, then invite u lah...a really-really-one-official-farewell...i hope so...
happy belated birthday to bbLit.. hehe
woo~~Mei Ling long time din been here, suddenly appear here, so surprice!!!long time no c gal!howz ur life!!??
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