Weekend start with the first
yum cha session. We go to a place call SIKAMAT FRUIT VILLAGE i think, not really remember. Just know it's located in Sikamat. Quite a nice place. Go to this place because of the environment and also because... We got discount! lol... Because got friends working here. Today very lucky, got 50% discount for all the stuff we ordered... donno why, usually got 20% only....

Gang that i usually hang on with. (From left: Johnny, Jet, JT)

(From left: ???, Fan, Lit)

(???= HS aka Tai Ngan)
We had a great time sitting here till nearly 2am. I think this can considered as last yum cha session with HS because he will be leaving to Bangkok soon. See
this post for some confession from a member of us. I think they are a couples... lol
After that, we suddenly feels like something not wrong, suddenly think of CS. So, we had go to a CC in Lobak (not the Penang food okay..?) and keep on our slogan

After few hours in the CC playing the CS, we are tire, and planning to leave. But donno why after get out from the CC. Like usual, 'lai sei mu zau' again, we will gather to a corner then chat again... This is so frequent happened...

(from left: Ah Fan, Lit, HS, Jet)
After the crazy CS, we all 'lepak' out side of the building. See the right hand side of the photo? he's just same like us... poor guy.
Suddenly this middle guy (named ah Fan) think of his sad love love story.. he's started to cry. *Ah Fan: Why? Why? Why she want to leave me!!?*Sob, *sob.. Ah lit very Tu Lan to heard it and want to kick him (because he got no love story to tell at all)
They're just sharing the love stories.. accept Ah lit... he's bluffing there. 
After stay there for some time, we all tire and hungry (it's 530am!! damn) We all yum cha at this place. Food just so so.. (it's 530! what u wan to expect!?)
Left is ah Fan, he's recovered liao. We're all happy chatting again. lol... *** All the above coloured is B**L SH*T, just for laugh... Real story is what i also don't know liao... Maybe record down next time, LOL..
Haha, nice one. Damit. Who say I dun have love story! I got a lot of one-sided love story to tell!!
lol... damn, one-sided is not call love story la.. mayb that can consider as pre-love story... hahaha...
haa...finally, all those things bcm finally...
luckily i m still able to join the last trip b4 CNY, though i arriv a bit late, but that was a wonderful nite!!!
gud luck, and all the best, hs
live life cool and viva forever!!!
c u when i c u!
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