Been to the Sungei Wang last Sat. Found out this:

It's a Gundam model's Fair i think. Not really know. There got display nearly 30 type of model there. All of them are display for a competition i think.
These are the few models i like the most. There is a champion but i didn't snap the pic down, coz i not really like it. Donno why will get the first prize. (Sorry for that champion... just my opinion)

I like all this because the models are so 'action'. That's why this should be called the 'action figure' lol...

Accidently meet this artis. Look who's performing in the sungei wang stage there.. Just guest you guys... haha..
After that have a break in the 'Yau Yat Chun' hong kong style restaurant to get my favorate:

French toast

Yin Yong
1 comment:
whoa, wat a wonderful day at, haa...tomorrow if not miztaken, i'll oso go there to grab my 2g ultra II!!! wa ha ha ha...
all those photo u shot using digi cam or ur 6630? vr impressive cmos photo man!!!really cool after upgrading the firmware! much better!!! without auto focus and macro mode oso can shoot like this, really owesome!
regret that i sold my 6630
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