Actually i'm planning to called up SOME PEOPLE (which include Nokia Care & Jane, JT, Lit and some others girls), but this is the respond i got:
Lit: Duh, Not interest la, go to watch some stupid temple, waste my time, better stay home TFK.
JT: Duh, Jingle Jingle Little Star no go i'm not interest to go also la, some more i need to work. (which end up play MahJong overnight although got work the next day...)
PS: Err... eh... i... u... ah... They don't want go wooooo.....
Which the majority don't want, which the so called 'Seremban Style', causing those girls who's interest can't join too..
So, this time i had to take out my 'Seremban Style' and go for it...
Actually, we had been this place last year. Which at first i thought that it's almost the same, but when reach, got some surprise, at least got new things add in...
Before reach there, like last year, i had park my car far away from the temple, around 1.5km from it and go to the opposite stall for dinner. To those who been there last year, i think you all still remember. Eat the so called Red Wine Mee Sua, but the sup is crystal clear, no red at all..

After the meal, heading through the temple, around 10mins walk, can reach there and seen the lightings there already...

Like last year, here also got the flower exhibition, i just take some snap inside as 1) nearly the same like last year, nothing special, 2) not enough memory!

An expert in gasing.. i can't even move it when i try to play.. lol
Then this kid challenge this adult to move the big gasing

Fire show
And all these gang of people which i feel so funny, they will gather infront of the tourist camera and make so much post infront of them.. lol..

yeah.. tis time no chance to go.. next year must go looo...
This year you have to celebrate your anniversary ma,that's why cant go. Next year can ask daren go together rite? Then you and daren can enjoy the tang lung & flower. In chinese is "shang teng guan yue" lo.
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