Had you eat a china burger before? Oh, no, should be saying, had you heard of china burger before!?? Haha.. i think mostly of you never heard of it. I've heard of it today,

Yeah, it's written there 'china burger'

Seems like an egg frying tools...

Seems like that McEgg right? (with out the bread la)

Really looks like a McEgg...

Err.. it taste.. strange, not bad, or said 'OK ah' (which used to be a habit by SOMEONE)
Yeah, you guys can give it a try, it's located in the pasar malam in taman Cougnaught <==donno how to spell la.. Price? see your self la...
yeah... i ate this two times liao. first time is at serdang pasar malam, second time is at sri petaling pasar malam.. I think where have pasar malam.. sure got this store gua..haha Not only counaught pasar malamm.. ;)
It taste not bad and cheap oso..haha
i just went Connought pasar malam last 2 week...but I didn't saw this burger stall loh...
wah... so sorry for it lo, coz i had a long long long time no go to pasar malam liao la.. i miss the serdang pasar malam le... i don't know there got also la.. it's ok la, but feel so oily lo... mei ling.. eat less la.. haha..
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